If we are updating and T&C's or any foundations of our proposal template, these do not flow through and update our draft templates? Which means we then have to create a whole new template and start again, but cannot even delete the old one to ...
Submit "Ask a Client to Authorise you" Through the each client
Having the ability to have agent gateway accounts (multiple gateway accounts) linked through IRIS elements to HMRC, and allow for the services within the gateway accounts, to be automatically populated and submitted via IRIS elements and the clien...
The current system does not allow for other accounting policies to be added under FRS 102 s1A such as Impairment, Provisions etc. Several blank areas should be included so we can add accounting policies as required. It would also be useful to have...
I want to show the long term debtor separately on the face of the balance sheet. I have entered the figure correctly in the TB section, but it is being pulled through and grouped within net current assets.
Nick Lloyd
about 1 year ago
in Accounts
Awaiting Prioritization
Rather than exporting and adding info in 3rd party pdf editor, if amended accounts could automatically contain the appropriate items to show companies house these are amended accounts.
about 1 year ago
in Accounts
Awaiting Prioritization