When clicking into the all clients list in AML could a column be added to show if the risk has been marked low, medium and high/ or blank if a risk is yet to be completed? Thanks
Email Accounts & Tax Returns (Sa100/CT600) for approval
Users have to download accounts and tax returns to their computer to be then able to send for approval to a client. An email feature should be available to easily send accounts and tax returns to clients with a pre-written email. Users can amend t...
Retained Earning for Future Periods (where comparative period is already on Iris) to Automatically Update
The trrial balance for brought forward periods does not autotmatically pick up on historic assets, retained earnings, shares issued as brought forward figures.
To be able to get a notification when key ID (Driving Licence, passport etc) is due to expire would be brilliant. We put the expiry date in, yet we cant use that data to work for us to be proactive?
It would be useful to have the pie chart for accounts jobs too so that they can easily be identified as to the stage in the same way as self assessment and corporate tax returns
Currently the Documents can be uploaded to Business or Personal client's Dashboard. We need doucment tab for each year account and tax return to upload and store document related to that accounts or tax return preparation.