Easy to get to a different client from another client
Being able to have more than one client open easily at the same time, without duplicating the tab - maybe by being able to right click on client list from the existing client you ar in and selecting open in other tab?
I haven't provided a solution, just pointing out that the "Open link in new tab" option is available via the right click menu in certain places, just in case it's helpful to anyone following this thread. It does allow for a quick way to open multiple client records simultaneously so might suit some users.
This ticket is still 'Awaiting prioritisation' for us, the intended solution being to add the same "Open link in new tab" option on the Client list buttons as originally requested.
As before, if anyone wants to discuss better ways to navigate between client, please reach out (rob.millen@iris.co.uk).
From the client list or the "Relationships" tab, you can right click on a client and "Open link in new tab" - if anyone would like to discuss further, please reach out (rob.millen@iris.co.uk).
Hi Web Solutions,
Forgive my laziness...
I haven't provided a solution, just pointing out that the "Open link in new tab" option is available via the right click menu in certain places, just in case it's helpful to anyone following this thread. It does allow for a quick way to open multiple client records simultaneously so might suit some users.
This ticket is still 'Awaiting prioritisation' for us, the intended solution being to add the same "Open link in new tab" option on the Client list buttons as originally requested.
As before, if anyone wants to discuss better ways to navigate between client, please reach out (rob.millen@iris.co.uk).
Lazily, you appear to have missed the whole point of the suggestion. Your "so called" solution involves already having the client list open.
From the client list or the "Relationships" tab, you can right click on a client and "Open link in new tab" - if anyone would like to discuss further, please reach out (rob.millen@iris.co.uk).
I would like to talk to you about it, as I am really struggling with navigating the open returns and clients at the moment - it is not good at all.
Yes OK
Hi Juliette, thank you for raising an idea. We are in a process of changing the client list would you like to talk to us more about it?