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Elements Ideas

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Access to jobs from the work tab when in a client.

To pull up jobs outstanding I use the 'work' tab along the top and then click 'all jobs;. This is only available if I am not in a client. If I am in a client and click 'work' then all it shows me is 'your tasks'. 99% of the time I am using element...
Ryan Munt 9 months ago in Practice Management 1 Awaiting Prioritization

Practice Logo in emails sent to client

Each time we activate an account for a contact, we have to phone the client to tell them they should login to their portal. Otherwise, without reding they consider the email as junk. Please add the facility to allow the practice to add their logo ...
Aziz over 1 year ago in Practice Management 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Ability to redact pages

I have a small sole trade that has no balance sheet but I cannot simply remove that page, we need the ability to untick pages.
Wayne Glenton about 1 year ago in Accounts Production Professional 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Add P11d as a service

Need to have P11d as a service so this will create a job with deadlines etc.
Chloe Burkin about 1 year ago in Practice Management 1 Awaiting Prioritization

Enable privacy groups for certain clients and users

We have certain clients whose information is private and should not be seen by all users within our firm.
Guest about 1 year ago in Other 1 Planned

Export Job List

Jobs can be filtered depending on the type of job and date however there isn't any way it can be exported to excel/csv/pdf. Would be useful to be able to print the list/report at times.
Ryan Munt 5 months ago in Practice Management 2 Already exists

Ability to prepare audited accounts

Please make this available ASAP.
Guest over 1 year ago in Accounts Production Essentials 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Upload PDFs for Policies

Instead of copying and pasting or using the pre installed template, it would be so much easier and quicker if we could just upload existing documents into the policies and procedures section for practice compliance.
Jane Rigley 10 months ago in AML 1 Awaiting Prioritization

Ability to add supervisory body to list in practice details

in the list for supervisory bodies in practice details, can you add the Institute of Financial Accounts IFA.
Linda Hodgkinson 5 months ago in Accounts Production Essentials / Accounts Production Professional / Other 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Dark Theme

Allow settings to be changed to dark theme.
Nichola Tunstall over 1 year ago in Practice Management 5 In Discovery