In Taxfiler we were able to hide clients from users, this feature has been removed for some reason and I would apprecitate this being brought back as not all collegues should be able to see all clients.
Shink fonts, remove chunky buttons, remove banners with large areas of empty space
Shink fonts, remove chunky buttons, remove banners with large areas of empty space. It is all too hard to digest at the moment. TaxFiler had perfected it.
Chris Burgess
10 months ago
in Other
In Discovery
Maximise Useable Area of USER INTERFACE / Significantly Reduce No. of Keystrokes/Scrolling etc
All users across All Software Modules will significantly benefit from being presented with more relevant data without unnecessary scrolling, mouse navigation etc. The following would greatly improve the User Experience of IRIS Elements - which can...
Currently unable to switch between a non-client and client status, and unable to mark clients as dissolved, former client etc. Not sure why this was ever removed but support confirmed it wasn't currently available?
I have clients that are start ups, so may only need certain services in the early days. It would be helpful to be able to list other services and their costs so that clients know in advance what fees are. You could have a commited fees section and...