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Password protecting a client on IRIS Elements

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Guest 18 days ago in AML / Client Management 2 Planned

Allow for AMENDED accounts to be submiited to companies house and HMRC

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Guest almost 2 years ago in Accounts Production Professional 3 Planned

Widen accounts mapping boxes

When reviewing imported trial balances the text boxes are too narrow so you can only see part of the mapping hierachy eg. P&L: Legal and prof. The choices under this hierachy cannot be seen so you need to take an extra step to confirm the mapp...
Rob Lyall about 1 year ago in Accounts 6 Planned

Clicking each issue log in accounts production should take you to the section you need to adjust

When a set of accounts are run in accounts production and there are issues (such as average employees aren't completed or advances/credits to directors note) it would be useful if you could click on the issue and it would direct you to the section...
Ryan Munt 8 months ago in Accounts Production Essentials 0 Planned

Submit amended accounts to Companies House electronically

At present any Amended accounts to be sent to Companies House have to be done on paper. Can this be looked at please so this can be done electroncially? As you can with the CT600.
Pete Keen over 1 year ago in Accounts Production Professional 5 Planned

Being able to use the same email address for the portal for individuals and Business

A lot of clients have the same email address, so if I was wanting to activate a portal for the individual and then one for the business they would have to have 2 portals and 2 logins, which is not convenient for them.
Lucy Clover 10 months ago in Practice Management 4 Planned

Restrict access to certain clients

For various reasons, with would be useful if certain users cannot see certain clients' accounts/returns.
Guest about 1 year ago in Accounts 7 Planned

Enable more editing for Sole trader & partnership accounts

Iris Elements Accounts Production: To be able to have the left hand navigation panel once the accounts have been generated for sole trader and partnership accounts so that accounting policies can be added to and edited. Otherwise key information i...
Lorna Cooke 3 months ago in Accounts Production Professional 0 Planned

Ability to restrict user access to sensitive/confidential clients

To prevent access to sensitive information where there is additional client confidentiality required.
Grant Middleton over 1 year ago in Creating Clients / Editing Clients / Practice Management 8 Planned

Please can clients that we add the main data for automatically be added as a contact record for the same client

Please can clients that we add the main data for automatically be added as a contact record for the same client.
Ryan Witter about 1 year ago in Practice Management 1 Planned