On Taxfiler it was possible to run a report with a list of clients then filter the list so it only included Ltd company clients with a year end of say March
Currently unable to switch between a non-client and client status, and unable to mark clients as dissolved, former client etc. Not sure why this was ever removed but support confirmed it wasn't currently available?
Some clients have large journals required, such as inclusion of opening balance sheet (which IRIS Elements currently does not facilitate rolling forward). This has to be journaled in and because there is a maximum of 10 lines, I am having to split...
I want to show the long term debtor separately on the face of the balance sheet. I have entered the figure correctly in the TB section, but it is being pulled through and grouped within net current assets.
Nick Lloyd
about 1 year ago
in Accounts
Awaiting Prioritization
Each client has a unique link in the browser web address. It'd be v helpful to be able to see all such URLs in the client list, which we can then copy & paste into our CRM to basically navigate from that client CRM direct to their tax returns
Maximise Useable Area of USER INTERFACE / Significantly Reduce No. of Keystrokes/Scrolling etc
All users across All Software Modules will significantly benefit from being presented with more relevant data without unnecessary scrolling, mouse navigation etc. The following would greatly improve the User Experience of IRIS Elements - which can...
It is unusual how you cannot edit this tab, it should be possible to change the layout and even edit the fields. For example, I want to be able to move the VAT Registered field, but I can't.