The current Openspace integration is unusable in a functional way.
Please implement the integration you had in Taxfiler.
By this I mean:
Allow the creation of a record in Openspace by Elements, only if there is not a preexisting record
Link the Openspace record to the Elements record
Allow the upload of tax returns (and accounts if possible) to Openspace whilst:
Uploading it to the correct folder without a garbage name - please a meaningful name so that it can be sent to the client. I wouldn't send a document to the client with such a meaningless name
Requesting the accounts/return be signed by the signatories
Showing the status of the document (eg - awaiting approval, approved, just like in Taxfiler).
This really should not be hard to do. Particularly the name and folder.
If you could lift and shift the Taxfiler spec that would be a great start.
Under consideration.