Could you add feature to download a copy of individual AML Risk Assessments, KYC and other ANL reports/documents as PDFs. May need to extract copies for review or submission to regulators.
Could you add feature to download a copy of individual AML Risk Assessments, KYC and other AML reports/documents as PDFs. May need to extract copies for review or submission to regulators.
Bob Edwards
about 1 year ago
in AML
In Discovery
Being able to store a PDF copy of risk assessments
Currently it is not possible to download or print off client risk assessments. This means that if my AML supervising body required evidence of the risk assessments I wouldn’t be able to send them a copy. Neither would I be able to keep a copy if I...
Ability to set or change default review period for RAs and KYCs
Currently, all RAs and KYCs seem to default to 1 year for review. There is no way to change either the default period or the review date on the KYC or RA. A new manual RA or KYC needs to be completed. It is not essential for all RAs and KYCs to be...
Corinne Harper
11 months ago
in AML
In Discovery
On the home Screen could another option be added to show that an RA is not required for this client. So yo end up with High, Normal, Low, Not required and no risk - ie last category are awaiting for RA to be performed.
Caroline Gudgeon
over 1 year ago
in AML
In Discovery