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Elements Ideas

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Future services to be listed or a price list

I have clients that are start ups, so may only need certain services in the early days. It would be helpful to be able to list other services and their costs so that clients know in advance what fees are. You could have a commited fees section and...
Guest 4 days ago in Proposal Manager 1 In Discovery

Search client by Submission Status

We need to be able to search for clients that have not had a self-assessment prepared for the current tax year. This is to enable and stop any client returns being missed/delayed.
Owen Sheehan 3 months ago in Client Management / Tax 0 In Discovery

Switch quickly to Accounts Production or Tax Returns from the client jobs/tasks screen and vice versa

As it was in Taxfiler, you could easily update jobs/tasks from within Accounts and Tax Return but it seems in Elements that you need to leave certain modules entirely and can't quickly move around the solution.
Guest 5 months ago in Accounts / Practice Management / Tax 0 In Discovery

Elements AML - review of KYC and risk assessments

A check box on the risk assessments and KYC to acknowledge that it has been reviewed and no changes. To have to redo the entire risk assessment annually is time consuming and unproductive when nothing has changed. The KYC needs the ability to be e...
Helen Jones about 2 months ago in AML 3 In Discovery

To be able to see all the recently worked on accounts and tax returns from the dashboard regardless (Same as Classic Taxfiler)

Cannot view all the recently worked out accounts/ tax returns in one view/ place - we have to manually go into each client/ select the spefici tax years.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Accounts / Client Management / Tax 9 In Discovery

Export clients to excel

To include columns whether clients returns have been submitted/ accepted to HMRC or Companies House so you can easily reconcile all clients to see if you have many outstanding left in different tax years or months.
tom rogers 3 months ago in Client Management / Practice Management 1 In Discovery

Archive, Delete and Restore clients in Iris Elements

We were able to Archive, Delete and Restore clients in taxfiler. I tried deleting the client in Iris Elements but there appears to be no option to save the client file before deleting or restoring afterwards.
Guest 9 months ago in Client Management 4 In Discovery

Make practice management and tax accounts mobile friendly

I cannot access anything on iris elements on a mobile, it is unsuable for viewing or editing anything. If this was possible I could check and action important tasks on the go or out of office hours where I don't have access to my laptop. In this d...
Guest almost 1 year ago in Accounts / Practice Management / Tax 1 In Discovery

Current licence summary

I would like to be able to see a current view of my licences for individual products within Elements.

Assign Clients to users

In Taxfiler we were able to hide clients from users, this feature has been removed for some reason and I would apprecitate this being brought back as not all collegues should be able to see all clients.
michelle mckinnon 26 days ago in Client Management 0 In Discovery