In past some companies remain dormant and therefore end up submitting dormant accounts which is correct. When circumstances change and these companies become active there is no reminder to remove the dormant accounts status. This would be helpful ...
abbas gulamali
about 2 months ago
in Accounts
Awaiting Prioritization
Client dashboard needs to be edited in same way home screen can so you can see what you feel is important
I can see client connection manager (not currently used) and tax returns. I might want to be able to see other things like has the latest file in documents been signed, have they sent an email or a Q&A. To be able to edit this screen to see th...
Tara Hotston
over 1 year ago
in Client Management
Awaiting Prioritization
Is there any way you can update the supervisory body with CPAA (Certified Public Accountants Association) under the practice details. As I am a member and practice with their licence, I beleive there will be few other accountants wh...
Ability to show/hide client bookkeeping connection (Xero)
When the Xero connection is enabled, the Xero/bookkeeping tab is displayed for all clients. Not all clients use Xero so it should be possible to hide this tab per client.
Danny McGrath
over 1 year ago
in Practice Management
Awaiting Prioritization
Client Form - Link - Auto Generate Client Data In Elements
It would be good if we could send out a new client form (digital) which the client completes and this auto enters onto the client record, e.g. name, DOB, UTR etc.
Ryan Witter
over 1 year ago
in Practice Management
Awaiting Prioritization
I need to be able to add other notes sections like directors remuneration and so forth. These should either be free text or allow current and comparative year values with users choice of row count.